Hustings Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

GUSA Hustings Coverage

1st March 2022

GUSA Hustings Brings New People and New Plans for Improvements in Sports. GUSA Hustings took place on Monday night and candidates gave exciting speeches about what they wanted to do for the future of sports at the University of Glasgow. Read below to find out more about the candidates, voting is open now and will ...

SRC spring elections: what happened at the sabbatical positions hustings?

1st March 2022

Polling opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 March at 9am for the sabbatical positions within the SRC. The Glasgow Guardian covered hustings for the sabbatical positions on the SRC. These positions are: SRC President (three candidates: Jordan Hunter, Jenna Fraser, Rinna Väre), Vice President Education (two candidates: Micaela Levesque, Miko Mojsiej), Vice President Student Activities ...

SRC spring elections: what happened at the non-sabbatical positions hustings?

1st March 2022

Polling opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 March for the non-sabbatical positions on the SRC. The Glasgow Guardian covered hustings for the non-sabbatical positions on the SRC, none of which saw more than one candidate standing. Positions up for grabs are undergraduate college convenors, school representatives and welfare and equal opportunity officers.  Undergraduate College of ...

SRC autumn elections: what happened at hustings?

14th October 2021

SRC autumn election voting is now open! Here’s the overview of last night’s hustings… The Glasgow Guardian covered last night’s SRC autumn election hustings, which saw students competing for a variety of committee positions have their say on what changes they would bring to help their fellow students at the University. Voting is now open, ...

Nominations open for SRC autumn elections

25th September 2021

Students have the chance to represent fellow students with a variety of positions up for grabs. Nominations for the SRC Autumn Elections are now open until 4 October, with 14 positions available for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to represent their fellow students with a seat on the Student Representative Council (SRC). All students will ...

GUU Debating held hustings for local MSP candidates

5th May 2021

Candidates discussed gender-based violence, more support for students and changes to the healthcare system post-Covid. GUU Debating hosted a hustings on Wednesday 28 April which saw local candidates for the upcoming Scottish parliamentary election questioned by students. Issues of gender-based violence, tenancy and Covid-19 recovery were raised, and the all-important question of Scotttish Independ...

GUU Debating hosting Scottish parliamentary election hustings on Wednesday 28 April

27th April 2021

Local candidates for Glasgow Kelvin are confirmed to be taking part, including Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie. This week GUU Debating are hosting a Scottish parliamentary election hustings. The event is taking place on Wednesday 28 April at 7pm and will involve a hustings panel made up of representatives of each of the major parties ...

University of Glasgow Rectoral hustings taking place 19 April

14th April 2021

Hustings will take place on the University’s Facebook page. Hustings for the University of Glasgow Rectorial elections have been announced by the University.  Taking place on Monday 19 April, the Rectorial hustings will see all three candidates Junaid Ashraf, John Nicolson, and The Honourable Lady Rita Rae take centre stage and answer any questions you ...