26th November 2014 - The Glasgow Guardian

All-exclusive dinner

26th November 2014

Should single sex dinners be allowed for tradition’s sake at GUU? Alastair Thomas GUU Correspondant Last month saw the first meeting of the Dayak dinner, an all-male, invite-only event at the Glasgow University Union (GUU). This was held alongside the Harwood dinner for women, which also took place at the Union. These sorts of single-sex dinners ...

Life in the slow lane?

26th November 2014

Aidan Reid Writer “Oh my goodness!” “A hundred thousand local hearts sink!” “Lewis Hamilton is the world champion!” “Unbelievable.” The commentators could not believe what they had just seen. Nor could any of the 9 million UK sports fans who had tuned in. The most dramatic of Formula One finales in 2008, captured the sporting ...

GUSA mental health roundup

26th November 2014

Selena Jackson GUSA correspondent Last Friday saw 12 GUSA council members battle through a grueling 18-hour static cycle, made no easier by the heavy wind and lashings of rain with no more than a miniscule gazebo covering the bikes. As mentioned previously in the Glasgow Guardian, this event was organised by the GUSA council in ...

Glasgow Warriors pros prove beneficial to the GU Rugby Club

26th November 2014

Rebecca Corbett Writer Glasgow University Football Rugby Club (GUFRC) have had a tough couple of years but with major changes to the club in the coaching division and with largest intake of freshers with sixty new players, it seems that this is their year and that the club is improving every year. The development of ...

Glasgow represent Scotland at Women’s Champions league quarter-finals

26th November 2014

John Gorrod Deputy Sports Editor Glasgow City have become the first ever Scottish side to reach the Quarter Finals of the Women’s Champions League. They will face French giants Paris Saint-Germain. To synchronise with the men’s competition, City will not play their Quarter Final until March. Two late strikes, against FC Zurich of Switzerland, secured ...

Why the Bundesliga and Champions League will soon be up for sale

26th November 2014

Chris McLaughlin Writer German football culture is arguably the best in Europe. Here the corporate, soulless, puritanical, moral panic and capitalist driven gentrification of British football simply never happened. Working class supporters pay about the same as they would for a Glasweigan cinema ticket to stand (and they mostly do stand) beer in one hand, ...

Continuing Gender Inequality in Sport

26th November 2014

Dom MacInnes Writer Sometimes, important developments in gender equality can take generations and in sport it’s no exception. Recently, the Royal Golf Club of St. Andrews has decided via popular decision by ballot to allow women to join as full members after many years of exclusion since its inception in 1754. Golf has always been ...

100 Years of Dylan Thomas

26th November 2014

Liam Welsh Writer The poetry of Dylan Thomas is inextricably linked to the life of the man. His lifestyle and legacy almost parody the stereotype of a romantic poet; drinker, womanizer, inevitably obsessed with death and beauty in equal measure. If you enjoyed hearing about how such luminaries as Keats and Byron met their early ...

Happy 170th Birthday, Friedrich Nietzsche

26th November 2014

Belen Casanas Writer The 15th October was a day to celebrate. On that day 170 years ago, the great philosopher, critic, poet and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche was born.  His ideas, revolutionary in his days, are still relevant, surprising and shocking today. Nietzsche was a revolutionary. He published a book called The Antichrist and another called ...

21st ­Century Mythologies:­ Podcast Review

26th November 2014

David Don Writer Roland Barthes’ 1957 book Mythologies develops Ferdinand de Saussure’s system of semiology ­ that words – or ‘signs’ – are comprised of a ‘signifier’ (physical form) and ‘signified’ (the concept it represents), and posits that there is in fact a further level of meaning, which Barthes refers to as ‘myth’. Barthes takes ...