24th November 2018 - The Glasgow Guardian

Is Logic Absent of Morality?

24th November 2018

Finley Allot Writer Throughout history we have always seen morality as being something given to us through religious teachings and texts, with doctrines like the sanctity of life being greatly influential on our laws, traditions and ways of thinking. However, I believe that in this secular society, in some cases, we must move away from ...

Youth Sport on the Springfield Road

24th November 2018

Amy Shimmin Contributor Too often sport is painted in a bad light – promoting competitiveness, funded by big money, and too focused on the result, rather than the process. While these – and other criticisms – are perhaps rightly deserved, the social power of sport cannot be understated: that’s where groups like Scottish Sports Futures ...

How to dress for climate change

24th November 2018

Alice Le Dizes Writer In our ongoing series on addressing climate change, Alice De Lizes looks at ways consumers and retailers can reduce the impact on the environment One of the prime arguments of environmental activist Georges Monbiot in the introduction of his book Heat is the idea that we cannot reduce our carbon footprint ...

Kelvin on Power

24th November 2018

David Friday Writer Over a 100 years since Lord Kelvin predicted the demise of coal, David Friday examines how accurate some of his other powerful predictions were Lord Kelvin, the enigmatic and never outspoken physicist, is a fixture of Glasgow University. From his statue in Kelvingrove Park to his house on Professors’ Square that boasts ...