December 2020 - Page 5 of 10 - The Glasgow Guardian

The Vegan Leather: “Although lockdown was limiting in a way, it forced us to be more creative”

16th December 2020

Marie, Tom, and Gian from Paisley based art-synth quartet The Vegan Leather chat to The Glasgow Guardian about creating new music during lockdown, going back to their music roots and the awaited release of their new single Gloaming. The current global events have changed the face of the music industry as we know it. There ...

Beyond the jokes: imposter syndrome in students

16th December 2020

Sophie Kernachan explores feelings of inadequacy related to academia, and offers solidarity to students who may be experiencing the same.  It’s become a strange ritual of mine to open a returned assignment, read the given grade, and storm into a group chat armed with self-deprecating quips, my self-esteem lower than my perception of the English ...

Home Comforts: The 1970s origins of chicken dish

16th December 2020

Mayonnaise is an instrument. When I asked my friends if they’d heard of a main course that consisted of chicken in a chicken soup-and-mayonnaise sauce with a topping of crisps and cheese, the reaction was broadly of horror. There is disagreement among my relatives over the origin of this family favourite, known only as “Chicken ...

Movements that shaped us: Hippie

16th December 2020

In a continuation of the series, we look at the hippie movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Emerging in San Francisco, Megan Farrimond explains why we shouldn’t associate the movement simply with a token hippie Halloween costume or the iconic Woodstock festival. So – turn it on, tune in and drop out. It’s hard to ...

Community spirit is back in business

16th December 2020

Views columnist Rachel reflects on re-discovering a sense of community spirit during the pandemic. I decided to move back to my hometown during lockdown, rather than continuing to rent near the University. Living in Glasgow’s west end, I hadn’t become involved in anything going on around me or made any friends who lived nearby, and ...

Endless news consumption doesn’t benefit any of us

15th December 2020

There is such a thing as too much news. Some days, keeping up with the news can feel like you’re drowning. In our age of information, the “bad stuff” can feel inescapable – 86% of us reach for our phones within an hour of waking up, 33% within five minutes. The news is no longer ...

Exploring Glasgow’s green spaces

15th December 2020

A guide to some of our locale’s loveliest outdoor parks and walks.  If Covid-19 has shown me anything this year, it’s my newfound adoration and deep appreciation of outdoor spaces – specifically those with an abundance of trees and the ambience of flowing water. Between stressful uncertainties of online classes, deadlines, jobs, and various other ...

Self love and sex toys in the time of isolation

15th December 2020

It’s a long winter if you don’t have anyone to warm you up – so why not heat up the bedroom on your own? The first time I ever bought and used a sex toy I had just had a terrible breakup. It was a little bullet vibrator which cost about a tenner, but it ...

Family Canon: Pretty in Pink

13th December 2020

The first of our new Family Canon series. “I just want to let them know that they didn’t break me,” says Molly Ringwald in one of the final scenes of the seminal 1986 film Pretty in Pink, standing in her living room in her homemade pink dress, preparing to go to prom, *gasp*, solo. The ...

Reverse resolutions: all I know now

13th December 2020

2020 wasn’t the year anybody expected, so what would you tell your January self if you had the chance? In 2019, “climate strike” was named word of the year by the Collins Dictionary. As we were entering 2020, we swore to ourselves, with one hand-on-heart and the other holding a glass of bubbly, to live ...