19th December 2022 - The Glasgow Guardian

Reflections on Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

19th December 2022

Natasha Coyle argues for Brandon Sanderson being this centuries’ Dickens. Brandon Sanderson’s first book in the Mistborn trilogy, The Final Empire, is one of my favourite fantasy novels of all time. With its various twists and turns, talks of revolution and uprising against the tyrannical Lord Ruler, and fantastic character and plot development, The Final ...

A beginner’s guide to Booktok

19th December 2022

Ruby breaks down the essential features of the burgeoning trend. From showing breakdancing videos to breaking news, TikTok is so multi-faceted that it can be used and enjoyed by everyone. Avid users of the platform will probably know about the “sides” of TikTok you can find yourself on (or what comes up on your ‘for ...

The hidden truth about 10 Things I Hate About You

19th December 2022

Ruby Nicholl explores the parallels between the 1999 cult classic and its 16th century source material. I can count on one hand the number of people I’ve encountered in my life that have expressed to me their love of Shakespeare’s plays. In fact, many of my friends and acquaintances would confirm that the only Shakespeare ...

Introduction to modernism

19th December 2022

Eleni gives us a whistle stop tour of the ethos of modern art. What constitutes a successful artist is completely different to what it was in previous centuries. Before the modernist movement, technical skills were paramount. Artists had to emulate portraits and landscapes exactly, and art was often about recording history, such as paintings of ...

Globalised media: International Film and TV

19th December 2022

Leah Hart discusses international film and TV and how viewing visual media through the lens of globalisation can lead to unexpected revelations. Our modern media climate is one that assaults the senses with music, ads, iconography, and endless streaming giant boogie-men waiting around every corner. Though books survive, our lives nonetheless revolve around unlocking our ...

The campus cliché

19th December 2022

Emma Urbanova analyses the depiction of the student experience in books. The university experience is so well-worn and overused in the literary canon that campus novels have almost become a genre in themselves. But to what extent is their portrayal of student life authentic? Take Sally Rooney’s Normal People: its protagonists, Connell and Marianne, belong ...

The Scottish Government has ‘turned its back on students’, says NUS Scotland

19th December 2022

The President of the NUS Scotland has made a statement criticising the Scottish Government’s new budget for not adequately providing for students. The Scottish Government’s 2023/24 budget has been criticised for not doing enough for students. The budget, which was set out by Finance and Deputy First Minister John Swinney on Thursday 15 December, made ...