7th December 2012
Jack Davidson The British government is facing further allegations of incompetence against its higher education policy after it was revealed that there had been a £1 billion miscalculation in the estimation of reform costs. As a result, the implementation of the new system of tuition may in fact cost more than its previous incarnation under ...
7th December 2012
Louise Wilson The University was recently made aware of the “Glasgow University Confessions” page that has appeared on Facebook and have taken steps to remove it. The Facebook page, which was brought to University officials attentions at the SRC meeting on October 25th, has reached nearly 3,000 likes since it joined Facebook on October 10th. ...
7th December 2012
Claire Diamond A report examining the state of Europe’s Postgraduate education has found British universities to be among the worst. Britain was placed joint bottom of the result table – tied with the nation of Kazakhstan. The Higher Education Commission found fewer than one in 10 students go on to postgraduate study. This has raised ...
7th December 2012
Claire Diamond Glasgow University Union has faced criticism following their decision to re-affiliate Glasgow University International Society, despite warnings from the SRC that the society is undemocratic. This summer Glasgow’s International Society applied for reaffiliation to the SRC but were refused after GUSRC uncovered that their elections were undemocratic and in breach of their own ...
7th December 2012
Claire Diamond The University of Glasgow has launched plans for a new museum in the Kelvin Hall. The University is currently in talks with hall owners Glasgow Life, the branch of Glasgow City Council who are responsible for engagement in culture and sport, to launch a joint application for Lottery funding to create a new ...
7th December 2012
Claire Diamond & Louise Wilson The decision to exclude Father John Keenan, Catholic Chaplain for Glasgow University, from September’s Freshers’ Address has caused controversy between the Student Representative Council and religious students. SRC sabbatical officers told Father Keenan that this year he would not be invited to address the first year students at the Freshers’ A...
7th December 2012
Claire Diamond Glasgow University Union hosted their controversial ‘Last All Male Board’ dinner at the end of November. The dinner was a tradition set up by the GUU’s all-male board of management once the union was forced to admit women in the early 80s to commemorate the last board of management with no females. Many ...
7th December 2012
Louise Wilson Confusion over the University and the year-abroad programmes offered has led to a student not receiving Student Finance for nearly two months after the academic year began. Sasha Murphy, now a fourth year student studying History, attended Dalhousie University in Canada as part of a Junior Year Abroad programme. This year, however, Ms ...