28th October 2022 - The Glasgow Guardian

Review: Bongo’s Bingo Halloween

28th October 2022

There is nowhere that unleashes mass unhinged chaos quite like Bongos Bingo. Bongo’s Bingo is no quiet night out. Almost immediately from the get-go, the entire hall falls under the spell of the evening’s presenter, a Belfast man, and his two glamorous, half-naked assistants, who keep the energy at a high from start to finish. ...

Halloween: let’s read ourselves to death

28th October 2022

Angelica Kerr explores the best of Halloween: the stories. As a birthday treat, my mother invites us to sit down with her and watch The Shining: Stanley Kubrick’s film of Stephen King’s great horror classic. Just as roses and peonies are blooming and baby birds are tweeting, at my house we gather around to enjoy ...