November 2022 - Page 3 of 9 - The Glasgow Guardian

UofG Sport and GUSA launch initiatives in fight for inclusion and support

22nd November 2022

University of Glasgow Sport and Glasgow University Sports Association introduce campaigns and initiatives to make members feel more comfortable when participating in sport and exercise. The battle for equality and inclusion in sport and exercise is still ongoing at all levels, with the University of Glasgow Sport and Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) actively introducing ...

Figures show there are now 3.1 students for every student bed

22nd November 2022

New research conducted by the Stripe Property Group has found that there are now approximately 3.1 student beds for every student in the UK. Stripe Property Group, which deals in housing development across the UK, has conducted a new study into student housing. Findings show that there are now just under 2.2 million full-time university ...

The cause of refugees should matter to us all

22nd November 2022

Writer Ana Negut speaks to Selina Hales, founder of Refuweegee, to get her perspective on why the cause of refugees should matter to us all, and how we can help. The cause of refugees is one of the most polarising political issues of the 21st century. Public narratives towards migrants and displaced persons are constantly ...

Is Glasgow’s public transportation system actually serving its citizens?

22nd November 2022

Writer Andrew Taylor explores how Glasgow can improve its transportation system to better support the city’s students and the environment. Across the UK, ongoing strike action does not seem to be going away anytime soon. Organised by unions and workers, these strikes aim to secure better working conditions and a higher rate of pay in ...

UofG increases study abroad places for Ukrainian students

22nd November 2022

With more Ukrainian students coming to study in Glasgow, events have been organised on campus to raise awareness of the war. The Glasgow Guardian has learned that the University of Glasgow increased the number of study abroad places available for Ukrainian students by up to three times this academic year. Around 50 Ukrainian students from ...

New undergraduate medical school head after gender discrimination claims

22nd November 2022

Dr Margaret McMillan will take over from Professor JP Leach after he resigned at the beginning of November. The University of Glasgow’s Undergraduate Medical School (UMS) has announced that Dr Margaret McMillan, a nephrologist, will take over as its head in the interim. Professor JP Leach, who held the post since 2016, resigned on 2 ...

Kelvingrove lighting to be addressed as part of feminist city planning 

22nd November 2022

Councillor Holly Bruce’s motion includes the addition of lighting in Kelvingrove Park and hopes to expand public transportation. Greenspace Scotland and Glasgow City Council have began discussions on adding lighting and other safety measures to Kelvingrove Park as a part of Councillor Holly Bruce’s feminist city planning motion.  Councillor Bruce’s motion amends the City Development ...

Professor Jeanette Findlay announces candidacy for UCU Scotland President

22nd November 2022

The Economics Professor told The Glasgow Guardian she would to make sex discrimination, particularly against women of marginalised races, a priority in Higher Education if elected UCU Scotland President. Professor Jeanette Findlay has announced her candidacy for President of the University and College Union (UCU) Scotland. Findlay became a Professor of Economics at the University ...

Independence would “cost the average household £7,300 per year”, claims UofG economist

22nd November 2022

University of Glasgow Professor, Ronald Macdonald, has launched a website that allows users to see the predicted impact of independence on their personal finances. UofG Economics Professor Ronald Macdonald has launched a website called, which enables users to take a test in order to find out how an independent Scotland would affect them financially.  ...

World Changers: November

22nd November 2022

The Glasgow Guardian takes a monthly dive into the world changing research being carried out on campus. This past month, the University of Glasgow has continued to assert itself as a global centre of innovation. The breadth of research emanating from the university is impressive, just this month alone we have seen everything from advances ...