January 2023 - Page 4 of 8 - The Glasgow Guardian

Queer generational divides

12th January 2023

Tom Gilbert explores the intergenerational divide between today’s queer youth and the queer elderly. “It stems from a deep fear of ageing ourselves. It’s almost impossible when we’re young and beautiful to look at someone we consider not attractive and realise we too are going to become that person.”  I’m talking to Trevor Diamond, a ...

Bereaved parents on the urgent need for legal reform to the higher education sector

12th January 2023

The Glasgow Guardian spoke to The Learn Network and parents of Harry Armstrong Evans, on the necessity of a legal duty of care in higher education and the introduction of Harry’s Law. Bereaved parents of children who lost their lives to suicide whilst studying at university are raising the alarm on what they perceive to ...

My farewell to Glasgow University

11th January 2023

As Divya Venkattu says goodbye to Glasgow University, she reminisces on her memorable time at UofG. It has been a few months since I moved out of my university accommodation to another part of the city. Life passes you by so quickly that any attempt to grasp a certain period in time in the palm ...

Review: The Snow Queen Scottish Ballet @ Theatre Royal Glasgow

10th January 2023

Yulia looks back on Scottish Ballet’s winter production and compares it with other adaptations of The Snow Queen. As an adult it’s sometimes hard to embrace the so-called “Christmas Spirit” extolled by poets and fairy-tellers (and even more so, merchandisers). Magic gets lost somewhere on the way, with celebration disproportionately consumed by preparation. In contrast, ...

Your GUSA guide to Refreshers’ Week

9th January 2023

Here’s your guide to getting involved in a range of GUSA clubs this semester. If you missed sign-ups in September or were just unsure about whether to get involved with a Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) club, you have your chance once more! Many GUSA clubs are running a variety of social and sporting activities ...

How badminton has helped me deal with the realities of life

9th January 2023

Sports editor Natasha discusses how playing badminton has helped her navigate the ups and downs of life. I have a great belief that sport teaches you a lot about yourself as an individual but also about the ups and downs of life. My sport, badminton, has been a key component in my understanding and acceptance ...

Saying goodbye to the starving artist

8th January 2023

It’s time to unpack one of the worst cultural misconceptions: that the best music comes from suffering Content Warning: contains discussion of suicide and mental health issues. David Berman was a poet more than a musician. He spent much of his time without his guitar, writing song lyrics for his band – Silver Jews. His ...

Experimental music and the mainstream: a troubled romance

8th January 2023

Leila Edelzstein explores how social media twists the relationship between new music and a baying audience Social media platforms have exacted three major consequences on the music industry. These are the evolution of mainstream pop to support shortening attention spans, the surge of opportunistic marketing (branded as relatable), and the defining of genres by aesthetics ...

Sport of the Month: American Football

8th January 2023

The Glasgow Guardian’s Sport of the Month series turns its attention to a “real girl boss” sport. This month’s Sport of the Month is the Glasgow University Tigers or better known as the University’s American football club. President Dominique Hewitson has described the club in three words: “friendly, inclusive, hardworking”. Here’s why American football has ...

parkrunlife: get some exercise

8th January 2023

Run, walk, jog or volunteer – parkrun is for anyone and everyone. 2023 will mark the 15th-year anniversary of parkrun in Scotland. Founded in 2004 by Paul Sinton-Hewitt MBE at Bushy Park in London, parkrun has now expanded to more than 2,000 locations in 23 countries across six continents – 67 and counting in Scotland. ...